13F Filing Services
We help you make EDGAR easy
Over 10% of all 13F filers trust ACN to file their Form 13F quickly and accurately while meeting SEC deadlines.
Form 13F Filing Agent Service:
Streamline the process of compiling an EDGAR formatted report.
Filter holdings to exclude non-13F securities.
Remove holdings that fall below the minimum reporting requirements.
Combine like securities and update Issuer Name and Title of Class info to match the 13F Official List of Securities.
Adhere to all SEC/EDGAR requirements and 13F XML specifications.
Form 13F Requirements:
Institutional investment managers that use the United States mail in the course of their business and that exercise investment discretion over $100 million or more in Section 13(f) securities must file Form 13F. (13F AUM)
The SEC defines an institutional investment manager as an entity that either invests in, or buys and sells, securities for its own account. An institutional investment manager is also a natural person or an entity that exercises investment discretion over the account of any other natural person or entity.
An institutional investment manager exercises investment discretion if: (i) the manager has the power to determine which securities are bought or sold for the account(s) under management; or (ii) the manager makes decisions about which securities are bought or sold for the account(s), even though someone else is responsible for the investment decisions.
The Official List of Section 13(f) Securities primarily includes U.S. exchange-traded stocks (e.g., NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ), shares of closed-end investment companies, and shares of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Certain convertible debt securities, equity options, and warrants are on the Official List and may be reported.
A list of these securities - called the Official List of Section 13(f) Securities - is available shortly after the end of each calendar quarter on the SEC's website, at http://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/13flists.htm